


鹿野的名稱即是充滿鹿的原野. 清代中晚期(同治, 光緒年間)即有原住民阿美族及少數漢人移懇於地, 直到1895年日本統治起, 開始了阿美族 平埔族 日本人 西部之漢人(閩 客)等族群移墾發展, 其中包含有農墾企業如糖,樟腦, 咖啡, 甘蔗等及自由移民為主. 1945年台灣由國民政府接收政權, 1946年鹿野鄉正式成立, 人口亦逐漸增加, 其中更包含了大陸藉, 外省軍人的移墾 (400多人)

      The meaning of Luye in Chinese is a field filling with wandering wild deer. During mid to late Ching Dynasty (mid 18th to late 19th cen.) there were a few aboriginal Amis aboriginals and Han Chinese cultivated here, till 1895 the Japanese ruling. Then Amis indigenous, Taiwanese Plain Aborigines, Japanese , Han Chinese from the west (Holo, Hakka) moved here and developed agricultural industries, including sugar, camphor, coffee, sugarcane, and free migration.

    In 1945 the KMT government took over the regime and the following year 1946 Luye township was officially set up. The population increased, including 400 or so KMT soldier-farmers who earlier retreated from mainland China.

歷經清朝,日本, 及國民政府統治迄今, 留下了許多歷史文化與建築, 生活方式等. 如: 龍田棋盤式街道, 日本神社, 鹿野水圳, 瑞源社區豐源圳, 水橋, 原住民阿美族收獲祭典等,是一個多元文化的歷史鄉鎮.

        Through the Ching Dynasty, Japan and KMT ruling till today, there are many historical memories, cultures, architectures left, accompanying different ways of life, such as the chessboard roads of village in Lungtien, the Japanese temple, the agriculture watering canals in Luye and its Rueiyuan community (Fen-Yuan Jun), water bridge, and harvest ritual of Amis aboriginals. These compose a township of multi-cultural life here.

(鹿野花園計畫Luye garden project)

鹿野花園是一個目標概念, 希望建造我們的城市成一個自然慢活人文環保友善的花園宜居鄉村城市

Luye garden is a target concept. We hope to make our city a resident-friendly garden city of natural, slow, humanities, and environmental protection.

        An important issue for our community is environmental protection. We have a goal of sustainable development and do this in several ways:

  1. reduction of pollution 減少污染
  2. promotion of certificate of local spatiality crops. 推廣農特產品產地證明標章
  3. use of renewable resources
  4. eco friendly farming methods, such as the natural, toxic-free ones. 例如自然農法, 無毒
  5. self-marketing methods of small farmers product and local Luye rice. 鹿野米自產自銷小農行銷推廣工作
  6. building and developing Yunan community Yuelong environmental area of biological education garden.永安社區玉龍環境生態教育園區的成立發展
  7. the four-year project of Luye trees and flowers planting. 鹿野鄉四年樹花植樹計畫工作
    1. rebuilding of the Lungtien Japanese temple. 龍田日本神社建築之修復
    2. lantern culture center of Hakka flowery printed cloth. 客家花布燈籠文化生活館
    3. ecology education base of Yuelong Spring.王龍泉生態環境教育基地
    4. cultural spectacle of Rueruan village Er-Tse-Ping water bridge 瑞源二層坪水橋文化景觀
    5. biking and slow life among the tea farms at Lungtien village 龍田茶園及單車慢活行旅活動
    6. friendly and free slow life environment 友善自由慢活環境the regeneration and reuse of agricultural communities. 農村社區再生工作

      基礎設施與場館 Infrastructure:

      We have designed several public spaces including a bike path. This path takes the cyclist to many sites of interest, such as the old place office, built by the Japanese in 1914; the Hakka cultural museum, an aboriginal village and a river. There are many facilities for recreation. The historic buildings have been restored and serve as multi purpose public areas. All are barrier free environments. We have

  8. Community art work

    The local artists have created pictorial representation of our cultural heritage which contributes to the beautification of the town.

    鹿野鄉在2013年台東縣宜居城市的評比中更榮獲總冠軍. 其中永安社區更獲得整潔, 藝文景觀冠軍. 這是鹿野鄉多年來社區努力經營的成果. 近年來更推廣農村再生工作, 將破落的農材社區偏隅, 整修營造成花開文藝彩繪空間. 例如永安鹿寮客棧, 新元昌紅茶故事館, 紅烏龍館等. 除了使社區重新展現活力, 更開創社區農特產業與觀光. 讓生產-生活-生態融為一系統活動, 創造富麗的農村新社區. 

    Luye township won the general championship in 2013 Taitung Life Friendly City Evaluation; our Yungan community is the champion of clean and liberal art sight-seeing. This is the reward of our efforts in years. These days we endeavor to promote agricultural villages regeneration, making the old, shabby corners of farming villages into flowery space of art and wall painting, such as Luliao Inn, New Yuan-Chian black tea story house, Red Oolong tea house. In addition to recharge the community, it is also for creating community specialty and tourism, to incorporate product-life-ecology to a holistic, magnificent agricultural new community,

    Culture conversation

    Many of the historical buildings have been renovated and we have also researched the history of the some of the older citizens and owner of the original tobacco drying sheds to preserve there memories and stories.  

    鹿野的龍田村是日治時期的移民村, 留下許多老式日本建, 如校長宿舍, 龍田國小 區役場以社, 還有崑慈堂, 慈濟樹是佛教慈濟功德會證嚴上人 早年苦修之地. 往高台更有茶園麗風光, 年來也是熱氣球 飛行的國際行場域, 形成日本建文化 茶文化 慈濟文化  飛行及熱氣球活動文化 綜合活躍的現代特殊場域.

    Luye Longtien village is a village of Japanese migrants, preserving many of Japanese old styled building, such as the principle’s dorm, Lungtien elementary school, the Japanese office, and Kuentzu temple, Tzuchi tree—the tree the founder of Buddhist Tzuchi foundation used to mediate under it. There are beautiful tea fields on the way up to the High Land—a platform where the hot air balloon and paraglide held internationally and annually. They formed a special modern arena of cultures of Japanese architecture, tea, Tzuchi charity, paragliding, and hot air ballooning festival.

    Slow Travel:

    We are attempting to keep traditional hand crafts alive by running course in handmade bookbinding and Tatami, which is a type of floor matting used in traditional Japanese houses, as well as the educational use of a traditional oven for baking.

            We promote volunteer work among our visitor in such a way that it brings them closer to the community and generates good will between visitor and residents. We encourage them to cycle rather than use cars to reduce emissions, pick vegetables for charity ant the local market or cook for the elderly. We invite them to slow down and enjoy the beauty of our town.

    我們的家鄉可以傳統, 也可以現代, 適合老人長居養生慢活, 也適合青年回歸農特產發展樂活. 我們積極推廣有機茶無毒殘留的農產驗證機制, 產地證明, 並集合了許多商家設立2626市集, 這是一個農產慢活市集, 居民可以在這裡買賣, 生產的用品, 食物更成為樂活的景點 此外, 為了讓來此慢活的民也有良好的空間, 我們也積極投入圖書館的建設與發展. 我們的圖書館在台東縣更是屢屢獲奬, 更增添慢活知識力量補充.

    We can be both traditional, and modern. The elders can live here, taking care of their bodies, and the youth can return to the development of agricultural specialties, having slow life. We actively promote a certificate of non chemical residue crops, one of local products, and we invite many to have the 2626 fair, a fair of slow life agricultural products. The residents here buy and sell their daily needs, food, and now it is a tourist LOHAS spot. In addition, for having a better space for our residents, we actively involved in the setting up and development of our library. The library has won many awards and it is the intellectual recharging place for us.

    Slow City Education: 最主要分為三個層面. 第一是農產品的生產, 我們鼓勵移居來此的自然農法或無毒農法的生產者, 將荒廢或閒置的農地租耕運用, 並透過龍田等雜貨店可以有一銷售或食物交換的地點. 第二是我們鼓勵我們的風味餐廳地產地銷, 縮短食物.., 採購當季當地食物進行烹調風味與特色料理... 田媽媽風味餐等. 第三是成立一個環境教育基地, 作為台環境教育認證的場域 玉龍生態步道, 成為很多機關學校環境教育的課程基地.

    There are majorly 3 parts: the first is the production of agricultural crops. We encourage those who migrate here and apply natural or non-toxic crops, we enliven the deserted or empty land, and we have a glossary store for exchanging or selling products. Secondly, we encourage local restaurants using our local crops to make delicious and special cuisines, such as Tien Mama. Thirdly, we set up an educational base Yuelong Path for the certificated space of Taiwan environmental protection education at institutes and schools.

    Others (Dayuan Hakka Flowery Printed Cloth Lantern House) 大原客家花布燈籠館:

    大原地區是鹿野客家人移居生活的聚落. 客家花布燈籠館是該文化生活用品的產者工場, 尤其是花布燈籠深受各界訂購喜愛, 館內更有傳統客家美食, 更提供燈籠DIY製作活動, 結合豐源水圳, 塑造成一種水與農人, 客家生活, 慢活等意象.

    Dayuan is the community of migrated Hakka people. The Lantern House is the producing workhouse of this Hakka flowery printed cloth culture. Lanterns made there are well loved and ordered, and there is traditional Hakka cuisine offered inside the house. There is also DIY activity. Combining Fonyuan watering cannel, this Lantern House represents an image of water, farmers, Hakka life, and slow life here.


    鹿野鄉鹿野高台是花東縱谷旅客最多的景點之一. 近年來飛行傘活動盛行, 是台灣幾個少數優良的飛行場地. 繼飛行傘之後, 熱氣球的飛行與相關活動, 更是首開台灣熱氣球風氣之先, 每年吸引數千萬的觀光慢活樂活遊客.

    Hot air ballooning and Paragliding:

    Luye township Luye Highland is one of the most popular places in East Rift Village. These years the paragliding is very famous, and is one of the few excellent paragliding places in Taiwan. After the paragliding are the hot air ballooning and its related activities, which pioneered the trend of hot air ballooning in Taiwan, attracting tens of thousand visitors annually for the ways of slow life and enjoying life.